Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Obama Advocates Secure Borders...for Georgia!

"Just as all states should have the right to choose their leaders, states must have the right to borders that are secure, and to their own foreign policies. That is true for Russia, just as it is true for the United States. Any system that cedes those rights will lead to anarchy. That's why we must apply this principle to all nations," Obama said.

If our President feels it is important enough to advocate secure borders for Georgia while in Russia, why can he not advocate the same for us while he is in the USA. With 90% of the $787 Billion in economic stimulus money still undistributed, I think the leadership team of Obama, Pelosi and Reid should send a couple billion dollars to the border states to secure our border and hire border agents.

Our leadership in Washington all the way back to Ronald Reagan, and every administration since has failed to protect us, our economy and our sovereignty when it comes to illegal immigration. Our federal and state governments do not enforce labor and immigration laws. Many of our cities and states grant sanctuary to illegal immigrants, some of which are violent criminals, all of which are here illegally. If non citizens are allowed to ignore the laws of our land, why do citizens have to obey our laws? Business have taken advantage of the situation and have hired massive amounts of these illegal immigrants at substandard pay and benefits. Our society allows a group of people, largely Hispanic, to be treated in a substandard way. What do we have when our society is not enforcing the law of the land and people are allowed to do whatever they damn well please, anarchy. The anarchy that President Obama cites in his remarks is present and growing here in the USA.

The longer we the people, and our leaders, hesitate to act, the larger the economic, political, and social price we will all pay. Call or write your Congressman and Senators today. Ask them to do their job, enforce The Constitution of the United States of America and the laws that they have enacted as our Representatives in Washington, DC.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Colin Powell a Republican?

Colin Powell has served his country. He served in the military and in the Bush administration as Secretary of State. He left after the first term to enjoy private life. All through his career and in his private life, Mr. Powell had and still has the right to vote for the candidate of his choice. In my view, he could still call himself a Republican if he had just voted for candidate Obama.

However, in the Obama/McCain contest, Mr. Powell endorsed candidate Obama, publicly. I remember hearing of the endorsement at a very critical time in the campaign as I passed through an airport. For all of those present, the impact was significant. The Obama supporters were very happy and the McCain supporters felt that Powell had switched sides. I do not think the GOP has officially pulled his party membership, but they should. He should not be kicked out of the tent due to race, income level, education, geographical residency, sexual preference or because he voted his conscientious. Mr. Powell should be kicked outside the tent because he is a very recognizable public figure and he publicly endorsed the other party’s Presidential candidate. This was not a mayor or a state senator; it was the President of the United States. The highest office in the land and he went against the GOP. Mr. Powell could have remained silent or could have worked within the GOP to make a McCain administration better. Instead, he endorsed a Democrat, publicly.

I do not think Colin Powell is concerned with being a Republican or a Democrat. This was never a concern before. Soldier Powell served as an officer with impact and influence in administrations for both parties. Mr. Powell did nothing to clear up speculation during his post military retirement days as to which party he aligned himself. This was not because he was unsure as to his views, but rather Citizen Powell used and still uses party affiliation as a tool. Then and now, Mr. Powell wants to put himself into the best position to guarantee future promotion. He is a politician, and what is more important to him than anything is getting Colin Powell promoted. I think Colin Powell spoke out this last weekend about the recent criticism of Powell by former Vice President Cheney and others not because he is concerned with his Republican Party status but because their criticism must threaten where Mr. Powell sees himself trying to get to next. Mr. Powell would come across more genuine to me if he would just declare himself independent of party affiliation.