Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Obama Advocates Secure Borders...for Georgia!

"Just as all states should have the right to choose their leaders, states must have the right to borders that are secure, and to their own foreign policies. That is true for Russia, just as it is true for the United States. Any system that cedes those rights will lead to anarchy. That's why we must apply this principle to all nations," Obama said.

If our President feels it is important enough to advocate secure borders for Georgia while in Russia, why can he not advocate the same for us while he is in the USA. With 90% of the $787 Billion in economic stimulus money still undistributed, I think the leadership team of Obama, Pelosi and Reid should send a couple billion dollars to the border states to secure our border and hire border agents.

Our leadership in Washington all the way back to Ronald Reagan, and every administration since has failed to protect us, our economy and our sovereignty when it comes to illegal immigration. Our federal and state governments do not enforce labor and immigration laws. Many of our cities and states grant sanctuary to illegal immigrants, some of which are violent criminals, all of which are here illegally. If non citizens are allowed to ignore the laws of our land, why do citizens have to obey our laws? Business have taken advantage of the situation and have hired massive amounts of these illegal immigrants at substandard pay and benefits. Our society allows a group of people, largely Hispanic, to be treated in a substandard way. What do we have when our society is not enforcing the law of the land and people are allowed to do whatever they damn well please, anarchy. The anarchy that President Obama cites in his remarks is present and growing here in the USA.

The longer we the people, and our leaders, hesitate to act, the larger the economic, political, and social price we will all pay. Call or write your Congressman and Senators today. Ask them to do their job, enforce The Constitution of the United States of America and the laws that they have enacted as our Representatives in Washington, DC.